
Today is election day, and despite still feeling under the weather, I was second in line at our polling place this morning. While I do not consider myself to be political per se, I do consider myself to be a civic-minded and relatively informed and mindful voter. So, I rocked the vote and was a bad ass with a ballot, and I found much to be grateful for this morning.

I am grateful for Mr. Jim Gallagher. As a senior in high school, I was required to take Government class, and I was fortunate enough to be taught by Mr. Gallagher. He was passionate about the subject matter, especially voting. He taught us that voting is not a right to be taken for granted, as he emphasized that it is our civic duty. Because of him, I have voted, whether in person or by absentee ballot, in every election since I registered as an Independent at the age of 18. I think of him every Election Day, and I give thanks for him.

I am grateful for every single person who fought for the right to vote. There are no words to convey my appreciation for the brave men and women who sacrificed so much for our country.  Everyone has a right to have their voice heard, and voting is one way that we can speak to what matters to us and to influence change. I am thankful to have that right, and I am thankful that others have that right, too.

I am grateful for the poll workers. The polls may have opened at 6 a.m., but the poll workers had to arrive by 5:15 a.m. I appreciate their part in the voting process to ensure that voting could take place.

I am grateful for the ease of voting. I voted in a polling place that is about a five-minute walk from my home. The entire voting process took less than ten minutes. The voting process was simple, yet it has a profound impact on our community.

I am grateful for candidates who dare to run for office. I cannot imagine entering the political arena and subjecting myself and my family to such harsh public scrutiny, so, I am grateful that others throw their hat in the ring. I am especially grateful for those candidates who embrace the concept of public service and work for the good of their community, not their own gain or special interests.  They are a rare breed.

I am grateful to live in a democratic society. It certainly is not perfect, but flaws and all, I am hopeful for positive changes and grateful for freedom and democracy.

No matter the outcome, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to cast my vote today. My 32 year voting streak is alive and well, as is my gratitude for this right.

Just one thing each day. . .

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3 replies

  1. Well said. We must be the same age, ‘cause my voting streak stands at 32 years as well. 😃👍🏻

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